Exit 7A-$21,775,000.00
75 acres of clearing. Installation of 55,000 cubic yards of topsoil strip, 448,000 cubic yards of roadway and basin excavation. 306,000 tons of Grade A embankment. 7,000 tons of R-4 to R-7 riprap. 68,000 square feet of MSE retaining walls. 15,500 square feet of MSE bridge abutment walls, 36,000 linear feet of 8″ underdrain pipe. 34,400 linear feet of18″ to 60″RCP. 360 inlets. Headwall and manhole, 10 manufactured treatment devices. 235,000 square yards of topsoil replacement.
Exit 8-$23,999,560.00
65 Acres of clearing Installation. of, 45,000CY of topsoil striping, 430,000 CY of roadway and basin excavation, 250,000 tons of grade A embankment, 60,000 SF of MSE retaining walls, 12,000 SF of MSE bridge abutment walls, 30,000LF of s torm pipe, 250 inlets, headwalls and manholes, treatment devices and 200,000 SY of topsoil replacement.
Brookland Mitigation-$7,048,461.00
The project included the construction of wetlands, vernal pool habitats, riparian zone and tree planting, and other incidental work for mitigation of impacts for the Interchange 6 to 9 Widening Program.